SpreadSheet Munging Strategies in Python - Small Multiples#

Small Multiples#

updated : April 14, 2022

This is part of a series of blog posts about extracting data from spreadsheets using Python. It is based on the book written by Duncan Garmonsway, which was written primarily for R users. LInks to the other posts are on the homepage.

Small multiples refer to mini tables embedded in a spreadsheet, or multiple spreadsheets. Ideally, this tables should be lumped into one dataframe for meaningful analysis. The examples below show different scenarios and how we can reshape the data

Case 1 : Small Multiples with all Headers Present for Each Multiple#


In this spreadsheet, each table is a separate subject. It would be better to aggregate all the subjects and underlying data into one table.

import pandas as pd
import janitor
import numpy as np
excel_file = pd.ExcelFile("Data_files/worked-examples.xlsx", engine='openpyxl')
df = excel_file.parse(sheet_name="small-multiples", header=None)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 Classics NaN NaN NaN History NaN NaN
1 Name Score Grade NaN Name Score Grade
2 Matilda 1 F NaN Matilda 3 D
3 Olivia 2 D NaN Olivia 4 C
4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 Music NaN NaN NaN Drama NaN NaN
6 Name Score Grade NaN Name Score Grade
7 Matilda 5 B NaN Matilda 7 A
8 Olivia 6 B NaN Olivia 8 A

Observations :

  1. There is a completely empty column that splits the tables, and a completely empty row as well. We’ll use the coordinates in our data reshaping

  2. For each table, the subject is directly above. We’ll use the empty cells adjacent to it as a criteria to create a subject column

#get the first three columns before the completely null column
before_null = df.iloc[:,:3]
#get the columns after the completely null column
after_null =  df.iloc[:,4:].set_axis([0,1,2],axis=1)

.concat((before_null, after_null))
.query('Name != "Name"')
.assign(subject = lambda x: np.where(x.Score.isna(), 
.assign(subject = lambda df: df.subject.ffill())
.reset_index(drop = True)
Name Score Grade subject
0 Matilda 1 F Classics
1 Olivia 2 D Classics
2 Matilda 5 B Music
3 Olivia 6 B Music
4 Matilda 3 D History
5 Olivia 4 C History
6 Matilda 7 A Drama
7 Olivia 8 A Drama

The image below illustrates the main concepts of the above code.

"solution visual for case1"

Case 2 : Same table in several worksheets/files (using the sheet/file name)#



For this case, our data is in different worksheets. We can iterate through each worksheet and combine the dataframes into one.

extract = [excel_file.parse(sheet_name=sheetname, index_col=0) 
           for sheetname in ("humanities", "performance")]

[          Matilda  Nicholas
 Classics        1         3
 History         3         5,
        Matilda  Nicholas
 Music        5         9
 Drama        7        12]

Combine the individual dataframes into one:

.rename_axis(index = 'subject', columns='student')
subject student scores
0 Classics Matilda 1
1 Classics Nicholas 3
2 History Matilda 3
3 History Nicholas 5
4 Music Matilda 5
5 Music Nicholas 9
6 Drama Matilda 7
7 Drama Nicholas 12

The image below illustrates the core concepts of the above solution:

"function description for case 2"

Case 3 : Same table in several worksheets/files but in different positions#



This is similar to Case 2, with the core data been the same. Here we need to pick rows from Subject downwards only, as that is the only relevant data:

extract = {sheetname : excel_file.parse(sheet_name=sheetname, header = None, index_col=0)
                                 # use the subject row as column names
                                 .pipe(lambda df: df.set_axis(df.loc['Subject'], axis = 1))
                                 .rename_axis(index = 'subject', columns = 'student')
           for sheetname in ("female", "male")}

{'female': student  Matilda Olivia
 Classics       1      2
 History        3      4,
 'male': student  Nicholas Paul
 Classics        3    0
 History         5    1}

Combine the individual dataframes into one:

.concat(extract, names=['sex'])
sex subject student scores
0 female Classics Matilda 1
1 female Classics Olivia 2
2 female History Matilda 3
3 female History Olivia 4
4 male Classics Nicholas 3
5 male Classics Paul 0
6 male History Nicholas 5
7 male History Paul 1

The image below explains the main concepts of the solution above :

"visual explanation of function for case3"

Case 4 : Implied multiples#


For this case, we have the fields at the top, followed by the subjects and grade for each subject. the student names is the very first column.
The goal is to get the subjects,grades and scores per field, per student and combine into one.

.parse(sheet_name='implied-multiples', header=None)
.replace({np.nan : 'field'})
.melt(id_vars = ['field','Name'],
      var_name = 'student',
      value_name = 'scores'
.assign(grade = lambda x: x.loc[x.Name == "Grade", 'scores'])
#scores are above grades per student
#hence the bfill
.query('Name != "Grade"')
field subject student scores grade
0 Humanities Classics Matilda 1 F
2 Humanities History Matilda 3 D
4 Performance Music Matilda 5 B
6 Performance Drama Matilda 7 A
8 Humanities Classics Olivia 2 D
10 Humanities History Olivia 4 C
12 Performance Music Olivia 6 B
14 Performance Drama Olivia 8 A

And a visual illustration of the steps is shown below:

"visual explanation of code for case4"