SpreadSheet Munging Strategies in Python - Meaningful Formats#

Meaningful Formats#

updated : April 15, 2022

This is part of a series of blog posts about extracting data from spreadsheets using Python. It is based on the book written by Duncan Garmonsway, which was written primarily for R users. LInks to the other posts are on the homepage.

This is an excerpt from Duncan’s book regarding meaningful formats :

Sometimes whole rows in a table are highlighted by formatting them with, say, a bright yellow fill. The highlighting could mean “this observation should be ignored”, or “this product is no longer available”. Different colours could mean different levels of a hierarchy, e.g. green for “pass” and red for “fail”.

The examples below highlight various ways of dealing with meaningfully formatted spreadsheets. Let’s dive in.

Case 1 : Meaningfully Formatted Rows#


The goal is to capture the color as part of our final output. We’ll make use of the xlsx_cells function from pyjanitor - under the hood, it uses openpyxl:

# pip install git+https://github.com/pyjanitor-devs/pyjanitor.git
import pandas as pd
import janitor
import numpy as np
from janitor import xlsx_cells

filename = "Data_files/worked-examples.xlsx"
frame = xlsx_cells(filename, sheetnames = 'highlights', fill=True)
value internal_value coordinate row column data_type is_date number_format fill
0 Age Age A1 1 1 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000...
1 Height Height B1 1 2 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000...
2 1 1 A2 2 1 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000...
3 2 2 B2 2 2 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000...
4 3 3 A3 3 1 n False General {'patternType': 'solid', 'fgColor': {'rgb': 'F...
5 4 4 B3 3 2 n False General {'patternType': 'solid', 'fgColor': {'rgb': 'F...
6 5 5 A4 4 1 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000...
7 6 6 B4 4 2 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000...

You can view a single row in the fill column:

{'patternType': None,
 'fgColor': {'rgb': '00000000', 'type': 'rgb', 'tint': 0.0},
 'bgColor': {'rgb': '00000000', 'type': 'rgb', 'tint': 0.0}}

The colour information can be accessed using panda’s string methods:

frame['fill_colour'] = frame.fill.str.get('fgColor').str.get('rgb')
0    00000000
1    00000000
2    00000000
3    00000000
4    FFFFFF00
5    FFFFFF00
6    00000000
7    00000000
Name: fill_colour, dtype: object
headers = frame.loc[frame.data_type == 's', ['value', 'column']].set_index('column')['value']
numbers = frame.loc[frame.data_type == 'n', ['value', 'row', 'column', 'fill_colour']]
# remove duplicate rows, since the fill colour is the same per row,
fill_colour = numbers.loc[:, ['row', 'fill_colour']].drop_duplicates(subset=['row'])
del numbers['fill_colour']
1       Age
2    Height
Name: value, dtype: object
value row column
2 1 2 1
3 2 2 2
4 3 3 1
5 4 3 2
6 5 4 1
7 6 4 2
row fill_colour
2 2 00000000
4 3 FFFFFF00
6 4 00000000

Some further reshaping to combine the headers, numbers and colour:

.pivot(index='row', columns='column')
.droplevel(axis = 1, level = 0)
.merge(fill_colour, on = 'row')
Age Height fill_colour
0 1 2 00000000
1 3 4 FFFFFF00
2 5 6 00000000

Case 2 : Meaningfully Formatted Cells#


In the pic above, the table has different colors for different cells. xlsx_cells comes in handy again, and the focus here, just as in Case 1, is the cell’s fill attribute.

frame = xlsx_cells(filename, sheetnames = 'annotations', fill=True)
frame['fill_colour'] = frame.fill.str.get('fgColor').str.get('rgb')
value internal_value coordinate row column data_type is_date number_format fill fill_colour
0 Name Name A1 1 1 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... 00000000
1 Age Age B1 1 2 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... 00000000
2 Height Height C1 1 3 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... 00000000
3 Matilda Matilda A2 2 1 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... 00000000
4 1 1 B2 2 2 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... 00000000
5 2 2 C2 2 3 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... 00000000
6 Nicholas Nicholas A3 3 1 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... 00000000
7 3 3 B3 3 2 n False General {'patternType': 'solid', 'fgColor': {'rgb': 'F... FFFFFF00
8 4 4 C3 3 3 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... 00000000
9 Olivia Olivia A4 4 1 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... 00000000
10 5 5 B4 4 2 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... 00000000
11 6 6 C4 4 3 n False General {'patternType': 'solid', 'fgColor': {'rgb': 'F... FF92D050
headers = frame.loc[frame.row.eq(1), ['value', 'row', 'column']].rename(columns={'value':'measure'})
students = frame.loc[frame.column.eq(1) & frame.row.gt(1), ['value', 'row', 'column']].rename(columns = {'value':'name'})
numbers = frame.loc[frame.data_type == 'n', ['value', 'row', 'column', 'fill_colour']]
measure row column
0 Name 1 1
1 Age 1 2
2 Height 1 3
value row column fill_colour
4 1 2 2 00000000
5 2 2 3 00000000
7 3 3 2 FFFFFF00
8 4 3 3 00000000
10 5 4 2 00000000
11 6 4 3 FF92D050
name row column
3 Matilda 2 1
6 Nicholas 3 1
9 Olivia 4 1

We can combine the dataframes into one, based on positions:

.merge(numbers, on='row')
.merge(headers.drop(columns='row'), on = 'column')
.loc[:, ['name', 'measure', 'value', 'fill_colour']]
name measure value fill_colour
0 Matilda Age 1 00000000
1 Matilda Height 2 00000000
2 Nicholas Age 3 FFFFFF00
3 Nicholas Height 4 00000000
4 Olivia Age 5 00000000
5 Olivia Height 6 FF92D050

Case 3 : Layered Meaningful Formatting#


In this case, we have formats for fill and font.
The format applies to the entire row.

frame = xlsx_cells(filename, sheetnames = 'combined-highlights', fill=True, font = True)
frame['fill_colour'] = frame.fill.str.get('fgColor').str.get('rgb')
frame['font_colour'] = frame.font.str.get('color').str.get('rgb')
value internal_value coordinate row column data_type is_date number_format fill font fill_colour font_colour
0 Name Name A1 1 1 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... 00000000 FF000000
1 Weight Weight B1 1 2 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... 00000000 FF000000
2 Price Price C1 1 3 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... 00000000 FF000000
3 Knife Knife A2 2 1 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... 00000000 FF000000
4 7 7 B2 2 2 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... 00000000 FF000000
5 8 8 C2 2 3 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... 00000000 FF000000
6 Fork Fork A3 3 1 s False General {'patternType': 'solid', 'fgColor': {'rgb': 'F... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... FFFFFF00 FF000000
7 5 5 B3 3 2 n False General {'patternType': 'solid', 'fgColor': {'rgb': 'F... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... FFFFFF00 None
8 6 6 C3 3 3 n False General {'patternType': 'solid', 'fgColor': {'rgb': 'F... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... FFFFFF00 None
9 Spoon Spoon A4 4 1 s False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... 00000000 FFFF0000
10 3 3 B4 4 2 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... 00000000 FFFF0000
11 4 4 C4 4 3 n False General {'patternType': None, 'fgColor': {'rgb': '0000... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... 00000000 FFFF0000
12 Teaspoon Teaspoon A5 5 1 s False General {'patternType': 'solid', 'fgColor': {'rgb': 'F... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... FFFFFF00 FFFF0000
13 1 1 B5 5 2 n False General {'patternType': 'solid', 'fgColor': {'rgb': 'F... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... FFFFFF00 FFFF0000
14 2 2 C5 5 3 n False General {'patternType': 'solid', 'fgColor': {'rgb': 'F... {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... FFFFFF00 FFFF0000
headers = frame.loc[frame.row.eq(1), ['value', 'row', 'column']].rename(columns={'value':'measure'})
kitchen_items = frame.loc[frame.column.eq(1) & frame.row.gt(1), ['value', 'row', 'column']].rename(columns = {'value':'kitchen_item'})
numbers = frame.loc[frame.data_type == 'n', ['value', 'row', 'column', 'fill_colour', 'font_colour']]
# drop duplicates, since the format applies across the row
colour = numbers.loc[:, ['row', 'fill_colour', 'font_colour']].drop_duplicates(subset=['row'])
numbers = numbers.drop(columns=['fill_colour', 'font_colour'])
measure row column
0 Name 1 1
1 Weight 1 2
2 Price 1 3
kitchen_item row column
3 Knife 2 1
6 Fork 3 1
9 Spoon 4 1
12 Teaspoon 5 1
value row column
4 7 2 2
5 8 2 3
7 5 3 2
8 6 3 3
10 3 4 2
11 4 4 3
13 1 5 2
14 2 5 3
row fill_colour font_colour
4 2 00000000 FF000000
7 3 FFFFFF00 None
10 4 00000000 FFFF0000
13 5 FFFFFF00 FFFF0000

We can combine the dataframes into one, based on positions:

.merge(numbers, on='row')
.merge(headers.drop(columns='row'), on = 'column')
.pivot(index = ['kitchen_item', 'row'], columns='measure', values='value')
.merge(colour, on = 'row')
kitchen_item Price Weight fill_colour font_colour
0 Fork 6 5 FFFFFF00 None
1 Knife 8 7 00000000 FF000000
2 Spoon 4 3 00000000 FFFF0000
3 Teaspoon 2 1 FFFFFF00 FFFF0000

Case 4 : Hierarchies in Formatting#


In the pic above, notice the differences in the formatting (bold, italic, bold and italic, none). In Duncan’s book, he offers a suggestion on what these different levels of hierarchy might mean :

  • none - good

  • italic - satisfactory

  • bold - poor

  • bold and italic - fail

    Again, the formatting is applied to the entire row.

frame = xlsx_cells(filename, sheetnames = "highlight-hierarchy", font=True)
frame['bold'] = frame.font.str.get('b')
frame['italics'] = frame.font.str.get('i')
value internal_value coordinate row column data_type is_date number_format font bold italics
0 Name Name A1 1 1 s False General {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... True False
1 Score Score B1 1 2 s False General {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... True False
2 Matilda Matilda A2 2 1 s False General {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... False False
3 7 7 B2 2 2 n False General {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... False False
4 Nicholas Nicholas A3 3 1 s False General {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... False True
5 5 5 B3 3 2 n False General {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... False True
6 Olivia Olivia A4 4 1 s False General {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... True False
7 3 3 B4 4 2 n False General {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... True False
8 Paul Paul A5 5 1 s False General {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... True True
9 1 1 B5 5 2 n False General {'name': 'Calibri', 'family': 2.0, 'sz': 11.0,... True True
headers = frame.loc[frame.row.eq(1), ['value', 'row', 'column']].rename(columns={'value':'measure'})
students = frame.loc[frame.column.eq(1) & frame.row.gt(1), ['value', 'row', 'column']].rename(columns = {'value':'name'})
numbers = frame.loc[frame.data_type == 'n', ['value', 'row', 'column', 'bold', 'italics']].rename(columns={'value':'score'})
measure row column
0 Name 1 1
1 Score 1 2
name row column
2 Matilda 2 1
4 Nicholas 3 1
6 Olivia 4 1
8 Paul 5 1
score row column bold italics
3 7 2 2 False False
5 5 3 2 False True
7 3 4 2 True False
9 1 5 2 True True
.merge(numbers, on='row')
.merge(headers.drop(columns='row'), on = 'column')
# the case_when function is from pyjanitor
# and is helpful for conditional evaluation
# it is similar to np.select/np.where/python's ifelse
    'not bold and not italics', 'good',
    'not bold and italics', 'satisfactory',
    'bold and not italics', 'poor', 
    'fail', # default
    column_name = 'grade')
.loc[:, ['name', 'bold', 'italics', 'score', 'grade']]
/home/sam/mambaforge/envs/jupyterbook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas_flavor/register.py:157: DeprecationWarning: The last argument in the variable arguments has been assigned as the default. Note however that this will be deprecated in a future release; use an even number of boolean conditions and values, and pass the default argument to the `default` parameter instead.
  return method(self._obj, *args, **kwargs)
name bold italics score grade
0 Matilda False False 7 good
1 Nicholas False True 5 satisfactory
2 Olivia True False 3 poor
3 Paul True True 1 fail